Programs for school groups
- The recommended visit time is 45 minutes per floor. We usually partner with the Monroe County Local History Museum on the first floor of the Museum Complex and schedule two classes, they spend half their time with one museum and then switch.
- Admission is $2 per student. Admission is due the day of the visit, we accept cash, check, or credit card.
- We have a gift shop, students are welcome to purchase items during their visit.
- Contact Alyssa Young at 608-269-0033 or alyssa.young@dekeslaytonmuseum.org to schedule your visit today!
- Please note, the Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum is on the second floor of the Museum Complex, and because the building was constructed in 1923 and is on the historic register there is no elevator and no handicap access to the second floor.