All-inclusive registration fee: $455
If you’d like to be added to the early contact list for 2025 please contact us at 608-269-0033 or alyssa.young@dekeslaytonmuseum.org.
Locations: The camp will be based at the Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum with drop off in mornings and pick up in afternoons always at the Museum. Our daily locations will be as follows, and they are all mostly within walking distance of the museum:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday:
- 8:00am- 12:00pm- Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum– 200 W. Main St., Sparta, WI
- 12:00pm- 1:00pm- Mayo Hospital in Sparta, cafeteria 310 W. Main St., Sparta, WI
- 1:00pm- 4:30pm- Sparta City Hall– 201 W. Oak St., Sparta, WI
- 4:30pm- 5:00pm- Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum– 200 W. Main St., Sparta, WI
Wednesday: On Wednesday drop off and pick up will still be at the Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum, but in-between we will be traveling by bus to:
- 9:15am- 10:15am- Radio Control Flyers
- 10:30am- 12:00pm- Sparta Pool– 725 Pine St, Sparta, WI
- 1:15pm- 2:15pm- Sparta Airport– 6058 Hangar Way, Sparta, WI
- 3:00pm- 4:30pm- Planetarium at Central High School– 1801 Losey Blvd S, La Crosse, WI
Friday: On Friday drop off and pick up will still be at the Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum, but during the day we will be traveling by bus to the field at Southside Early Learning Center to fire off the rockets:
- 9:15am- 10:30am- Southside Early Learning Center – 1023 Walrath St., Sparta, WI Family and friends are invited to watch.
Phone numbers during camp: If you need to get in touch with your child or the camp organizers during the camp you can call the museum at 608-269-0033. Additional phone numbers will be provided upon registration.
Groups: Your student will have the opportunity to work with all of the camp participants throughout the week. We will also be breaking the participants into groups of 4 for team building and leadership activities. Your student will be part of this same group for the whole week; three days they will be a group member and the other day they will be the group leader- giving every student the chance to lead. There are a total of 2 hours each day for team building activities which your student will do as part of their group of four. Being a team player is vital for an astronaut!
Space Week Notification: Approximately 2 weeks before the start of camp the student will receive by mail their official letter requesting them to report to the Deke Slayton Memorial Space & Bicycle Museum for the beginning of Deke Slayton Space Week. When the student arrives at Space Week they will be presented with their custom Deke Slayton Space Week shirt which they will wear every day for the week of camp, a drawstring backpack, a water bottle, and a personalized log book.
Graduation and Party– Friday evening at the end of the camp we will be holding a small graduation ceremony and party/dinner at the American Legion. Students and their families are invited to attend.
Cost: The cost of the camp includes everything the students need for the week– a Deke Slayton Space Week t-shirt, lunches, water bottle, snacks, a rocket, and the Friday night dinner party. The early bird price (from May 5- May 19, 2025) is $415; after the 19th the price is $455. You can choose to pay the full amount, or a $200 down payment with the remaining balance due the first day of camp.
Scholarships: We offer two full scholarships, one to a boy and one to a girl, based on financial need. Applying for a scholarship does not guarantee attendance of the camp. Scholarship applications are due by 4:30pm June 16, 2025, and you will be notified by June 23, 2024 whether your application has been accepted or not. There is a $2 application fee.
Applications are accepted on a first come basis, and we are not accepting more than 18 registered students (there are two scholarship spots available, the total capacity for the camp is 20 students).
* If we receive more than 18 registrations you will be added to a wait-list.
Please note the Deke Slayton Space Week requires a minimum of 8 participants who must be enrolled by July 1, 2025. If the minimum is not met the camp may be cancelled and you will receive a refund.